How Custom Promotional Products Add Value to Your Brand

How Custom Promotional Products Add Value to Your Brand
January 15, 2018 10 view(s)
How Custom Promotional Products Add Value to Your Brand

The average person will lose about 400 pens in their lifetime. While you might think this might create a demand for your custom promotional pens, you could just be throwing money down the drain. This makes it challenging for companies to conceive of custom promotional products that will add value to your brand while staying with customers. Your other enemy in this struggle is the cost of promotional products.

You want to keep the price of your promo products low, while still giving quality items to your clients or potential clients.

Your promotional products represent your brand. Once in the hands of clients, you turn customers into brand ambassadors.

Here are 4 ways that custom promotional products add value to your brand.

1. Good Custom Promotional Products Mix Branding with High Usefulness

Your promotional products could end up the trash by the end of the day or they could sit on top of your customers’ desks for years.

You can choose two paths with promotional products: temporary use products or products that could be used by customers for years. The kinds of products you choose will also depend on the type of industry you work in.

It is cheaper to produce eco-friendly notepads, ballpoint pens, or recycled reusable bags.

They could add a quick value to your customers’ daily lives and be seen by people who visit their office. Perhaps they’ll pass your pen to their colleague or client to sign something and make one more impression on your brand.

While it’s a larger investment, custom promotional products like an umbrella or a tape measure could become something customers’ rely on for years. While they may not even need your services now, seeing that item over and over will cement your name in their minds.

2. Return on Investment is Powerful

Paying for a daily impression on someone’s social media feed or their favourite radio station could cost an arm and a leg.

A promotional product that is a little cheaper might be one that could lead to a daily impact.

Customers could see the mug with your company name on it every single morning when they make coffee. Your stress ball could become their biggest relief during deadline crunch time.

Making an impact on customers in this way can also create an emotional connection.

For such a small investment, your brand will become a part of their everyday life. When they think of products like yours, you’ll be the first company they can name.

3. You Can Impact Beyond Your Customer Base

Several types of custom promotional items can make an impact on the world without even trying. Finding something that helps to advertise for your brand could impact new clients and help build your brand authority while you’re busy working on other things.

Every time your customers go to the grocery store with your reusable bag, people who see them in line, walking home or to the car will see your brand name. If you’re a new brand, this kind of presence is invaluable.

4. Brand Authority Depends on Recognition

If you attend a lot of conferences or local special events, you’ve probably seen the power of custom promotional products on making a brand seem bigger than it is. If anyone is unaware of a given brand or company, every time they see someone walking by with that product, their perception is changed.

Next time you’re at an event with promotional materials, look at what stands out to you.

While 20 years ago, the rubber coin pouch was one of the most common branded items around, that might not be so hot in a digital market. See what everyone seems excited about and go in that direction.

Custom Promotional Products Deliver Customers

Having great promotional products will attract customers to your brand. Seeing other people using them will get them to ask “where did you get this?”

If you’re ready to start taking your branding to the next level, contact us about which products are best for your brand.

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