Three people use their custom printed hold and cold packs to soothe everyday aches from sports and working at a desk.

Order Promotional Custom Branded Hot & Cold Packs in Canada

Help soothe everyday aches and pains with custom printed hot and cold packs. These practical and handy packs are easy to use and great for everything from minor strains from activity to the discomfort of sitting all day at an office desk. They are also reusable, ideal for repeat brand exposure and repetition. With their inexpensive nature, promotional hold and cold gel packs could be great tradeshow giveaways and marketing swag ideas any time of the year. That sounds like comforting marketing awareness to us, start browsing to find novelty hot cold packs, traditionally shaped options and more. Not seeing what you had in mind? Let us know!

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Custom promotional hot and cold packs

My neck is killing me! How often have you heard this phrase from friends, family, co-workers, or over talkative strangers on the commute home followed by the zombie like groaning of someone who sounds like they are two hundred years old instead of in their mid-thirties? Branded hot/cold packs are a great promotional choice for clients because who hasn’t had joint stiffness, sprains, strains or aches - sometimes from doing nothing more strenuous than going about their day to day business? Amongst the leading causes of muscle strain being tension and stress and this goes hand in hand with the hectic, fast paced lifestyle of the modern world.

Why give people a branded ice pack?

Hot/cold therapy is a great way to combat this widely common problem. Heat can increase blood flow, reduce joint aches and pains and cold packs can help reduce inflammation and soothe away the discomforts that plague us all too often. They are great for arthritis and stiffness and can even help with joint mobility.

So with so many of us suffering from at least one of these problems in our daily life, who wouldn’t like one of these for their own personal use? Branded gel packs are a smart choice for any company who is looking to invest in something that goes beyond just useful to something actually sought after by a huge age range. Getting your name or brand onto a custom printed hot/cold pack is a great way to be sure your product is used, not forgotten, and with the added bonus of having your business associated with comfort and relief in the consumers mind.

Not just for sports and recreation

Office aches and pains are one of the leading causes of time off and loss of production. No one wants to come in and sit at their desk when they are uncomfortable, but ergonomic chairs and desks are a huge investment that few companies can afford. Migraines are also a common office problem. Long hours, fluorescent lighting, fast paced deadlines can all lead to stress, eye strain and tension. It is also estimated 1 in 4 households in Canada are affected by migraines, that’s a lot of people who would be grateful for a therapy pack to help alleviate these! By purchasing Dynamic Gift’s custom branded hot/cold packs you are combating these problems in an affordable way and at the same time showing your employees you care about them and value their health.

Custom promotional shapes & sizes

Our fun design choices also make these a great investment for schools or even children’s activity centres because we all know that children are adorable but scarily accident prone little hurricanes of activity. Not only will the child using it love the friendly, colourful design but both they and most likely the parent sent to collect them will see your brand and remember your company was there when they needed relief.

This goes double for children’s hospitals where often patients are scared, out of their environment and uncomfortable. With most buildings being constructed for purpose not hospitality and large, scary medical apparatus that children have no name for – having a cheerful and child friendly item that the patient can use is a calming influence that will help parents, patients and medical staff all at the same time.

We are the promotional experts

Being located in Canada, we are all very familiar with counting our fingers during winter to check if they are all still there! Our round hand warmer is a great way to avoid stiff and numb fingers when outside as they stay warm for up to 25 minutes and can be used up to 300 times! That’s more than anyone wants to be outside during snow season!

Our products are easy to heat and easy to clean, as well as being long lasting and can easily applied to wherever the ache is lurking. Our gel packs come in a huge range of shapes and designs to suit any profession, from day care to executive offices. Dynamic Gift also offers wholesale discounts to resellers, allowing you to pass on those vital savings. With fast ordering times and even faster relief, buying a custom printed hot/cold therapy pack for whoever your target audience is, has never felt so good!