People using promotional touchscreen gloves to keep their hands warm while using their smartphones during winter in Canada.

Promote Your Brand in Canada with Imprinted Touch Screen Gloves

Anyone who's spent a winter in Canada knows the real value of a good pair of gloves. Cozily protecting our fingers from the elements, gloves are unsung winter heroes. Although they may be saviours, they can also be a nuisance – often once they are on you might as well be wearing oven mitts. In the 21st century we need to communicate on the move, and winter isn't enough to stop us. Before you say goodbye to those digits, consider custom touch screen gloves from Dynamic Gift, a product that offers all the warmth and none of the limitations!

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The benefits of our custom touch screen gloves

Better for the screen – Anyone who has tried to wipe snow or rain with their bare cold hand knows all you do is spread the water around. With promotional touch screen gloves, you are adding a layer of fabric that makes for better screen clearing and less wet fingers at the same time.

  • Warmth: Our imprinted gloves won’t leave fingers feeling chilly. Made from good quality materials and offered in a range of fabrics to better suit your needs, saying no to being cold is easy with Dynamic Gift Canada. Warm gloves are more likely to be a customer or staff favourite so help make sure your custom printed pair is more likely to be chosen with our fantastic products.
  • Good grip: Dropping your phone is bad enough, but dropping it outdoors is even worse. Cold, wet hands can turn your once easy to grip phone into a spiteful live thing that seems determined to escape you and meet its end on the pavement. With our personalized winter gloves, you are instantly improving your grip, and with some products offering additional grip pads, keeping that phone or tablet under control is easy. Our gloves are a great price, and very likely less expensive than the cost of a broken phone!

Getting with the times

It used to be the only thing we wanted from our gloves was not to lose our fingers making snowballs, but times have changed. With our increasing reliance on technology for day to day interactions we need to be able to access our phones, even outdoors. Taking off gloves to do so each time ranges from mildly annoying to even dangerous in colder weather. Custom touch screen gloves instantly solve this issue by granting us easy access to our tech.

Great for resale

You don’t have to run a winter resort for personalized winter gloves to be a great addition to your business. No one likes having cold hands and almost everyone loves their phone, making these products a highly sought-after item for almost any store. So, whether you choose to place them with your winter apparel or at the desk as a great last-minute purchase, the upside of Canada’s winter is that gloves are an awesome resale item.

Help Keep Employees Hand's Warm Without Making Them Unusable

Employers often need to provide outerwear uniforms for staff are exposed to the elements. Yet with that often comes the loss of easy to see branding that shows what company they are part of. Promotional touch screen gloves not only help solve this by placing your logo in a highly visible place, but with so many companies relying on tech even outdoors, it allows staff to stay in touch. Help those who work so hard for you relay information and stay updated with ease - without exposing their fingers to the cold. Become a more responsible employer and raise brand awareness at the same time with these handy promotional products.

Combining fashion and function

Keeping winter away often comes at the expense of looking like we are dressed in clothes we will ‘grow into’ even though we are now adults. Is that a moving snowball? No that’s just Joe from the office trying to get through the parking lot in his outsize clothing. Help avoid this with our often form fitting, always stylish and ultimately functional winter gloves, because things can fit properly and still keep you warm - if they are made well.

Whatever it is you need to keep winter from your door, the chances are if it’s a promotional item we can get it so whether you are seeking touch screen gloves or other imprinted winter apparel why not contact us and let our team help find you what you need today.