
How Custom Promotional Products Add Value to Your Brand
January 15, 2018
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How Custom Promotional Products Add Value to Your Brand

The average person will lose about 400 pens in their lifetime. While you might think this might create a demand for your custom promotional pens, you could just be throwing money down the drain. This makes it challenging for companies to conceive of custom promotional products that will add value to your brand while staying with customers. Your other enemy in this struggle is the cost of promotional products.

You want to keep the price of your promo products low, while still giving quality items to your clients or potential clients.

7 Custom Items To Consider For Your Next Campaign
January 11, 2018
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7 Custom Items To Consider For Your Next Campaign

Marketing is changing at a nearly exponential rate. Direct mail marketing has been declining for years as a result of the digital economy boom. Email marketing is in a state of constant flux, with more readers opening messages but less clicking-through. Custom items are an excellent way to get your customers excited about your marketing messages.

To help you learn more about how to take advantage of this trend, here are 7 custom items for your next marketing campaign.

5 Ways Branded Merchandise Is Changing Marketing
January 6, 2018
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5 Ways Branded Merchandise Is Changing Marketing

Branded merchandise is a sure-fire way to market to local clientele.

First, people love free stuff. It makes them feel appreciated and valued.

Second, branded merchandise is easy to pass around. If one person doesn’t want it, they pass it to someone who does. Regardless, both people become aware of your brand.

This form of branding is taking the marketing world by storm. It is changing how marketers approach appealing to and engaging target audiences.

Social Media Marketing: 3 Important Pitfalls To Avoid
November 9, 2017
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Social Media Marketing: 3 Important Pitfalls To Avoid

In the current marketing environment, social media seems to reign supreme. But it’s a confusing environment, and for those with no background in the field it’s very easy to make some common mistakes. We’ve built a list of those mistakes, with tips on how to avoid them:

The easiest of all pitfalls to encounter also happens to be the easiest to avoid! Those that fail to properly plan their social media marketing strategy are those that often end up wasting hundreds of dollars and hours with unsuccessful campaigns. Here’s a few things to make sure your plan covers:

Instagram Marketing: Cracking the Code
October 25, 2017
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Instagram Marketing: Cracking the Code

By now, everyone knows just how important Instagram marketing is to business success. Unfortunately, the explosion of its popularity and resulting market saturation has made it increasingly difficult to break through and make your presence known.

So what do the best Instagram marketers know that you don’t? Read on to find out:

Appeal to Millennials with These 5 Promo Items Ideas
August 1, 2017
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Appeal to Millennials with These 5 Promo Items Ideas

Since the Baby Boomers, never has there been a generation bigger and with more purchasing power than all the previous generations before – we are talking about Millennials or Gen Ys.

As people born in the late 80s to 90s become the prime consumers, they are projected to have a spending power that will be $1 Trillion plus, by the year 2020. Millennials are those born somewhere between 1980 to 2000, depending on what you are reading. They differ significantly from previous generations in their fervor for technology and branding.

Top Tips To Avoid Promotional Product Scams
November 1, 2016
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Top Tips To Avoid Promotional Product Scams

Unfortunately there are people looking to scam you in practically every industry. Scammers are figuring out how to bypass security features just as quick as companies are inventing new security protection. So learning how to spot a scam is extremely important no matter what kind of business you work in. The only foolproof way of protecting yourself from most promotional product scams is to be aware of what is and isn’t a scam.

Promotional Product Ideas & How to Use Them
August 18, 2016
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Promotional Product Ideas & How to Use Them

Every business has to use advertising to remain relevant and familiar to their potential customer base. Even globally recognized brands continuously run huge marketing campaigns even when they have made no changes to their products or updated any of their services. This is necessary because it is easy to be overshadowed by the competition or forgotten about by even loyal customers. Along with traditional print and media advertisements many businesses also use Promotional items as well. This type of advertising is used in nearly every industry and by companies of all sizes. Free items are loved by everyone and they are a guaranteed method of getting noticed and being remembered.

A Loyalty Program Could Grow Your Business
October 12, 2015
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A Loyalty Program Could Grow Your Business

Every smart business owner will agree that their customers are their best asset, but they often don’t realize just how important it is to keep their customers happy. Did you know that you will spend 6 – 7 times more to find new customers, compared to engaging current customers to purchase from you again? Repeat customers tend to spend more on their purchases, especially since they have already established a good relationship with your company.

5 Ways To Boost Your Brand With Self Promotion
May 24, 2015
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5 Ways To Boost Your Brand With Self Promotion

Brand management is an ongoing task for every company, and you need to make sure that you are leveraging promotional products in the right way to share your brand with a variety of people. If you use the right types of products, you can create a lasting impact with your customers and employees. These products can help you build relationships with potential customers, and also strengthen relationships with people who have already purchased from your company.