
The 10 Best Promotional Items, Ranked By Popularity
September 19, 2018
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The 10 Best Promotional Items, Ranked By Popularity

It's tough to argue with the success of promotional products. Whether you want to make the most out of a conference or send someone a token of appreciation, branded products are a solid investment.

Based on our extensive experience as Canada's leading supplier of promotional items, we've put together a list of our ten most popular products.

In The Corporate World, Why Should You Give Gifts
September 19, 2018
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In The Corporate World, Why Should You Give Gifts

It hurts people the most when they do not feel valued. You could be a famous movie star, the president of a large company, a stay at home mother, or an ordinary consumer making a purchase – the need to be recognized and receive validation is common for everyone. Here are a few reasons you should give gifts:

3 Gifts Giving Etiquette You Should Always Follow
September 19, 2018
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3 Gifts Giving Etiquette You Should Always Follow

You don’t have to wait until Christmas to tell clients and employees that you value them. Gifts can be given at any time of the year, especially when they’re least expecting it. But gift-giving isn’t as easy as it seems – it is a subtle art where the receiver should be as happy to receive it as you are sharing. Here are a few things that you should remember before giving gifts:

Marketing and the Principle of Reciprocity: How And Why It Works
September 5, 2018
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Marketing and the Principle of Reciprocity: How And Why It Works

You're shopping at your favorite supermarket and an employee offers you a sample of a chocolate bar. You try the bar and love it so much you decide to get one. Did you see what happened there?

They gave you something for free but, we know that wasn't the whole story. They gave you the free sample expecting you to want to buy the chocolate bar. Every time a store does this, they're using the law of reciprocity.

You can apply this to any business. It might come as a surprise. But, using it in marketing with promotional products can take your business all the way to the top. Want to learn more?

4 Reasons You Should Create a Sports Team Sponsorship with a Local High School
August 22, 2018
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4 Reasons You Should Create a Sports Team Sponsorship with a Local High School

Are you looking for a unique way to advertise your business?

A sports team sponsorship with a local high school can be an effective way for you to spread the word about your company. That's because a local high school is well-known in your community and can help you develop a stronger reputation.

Read on to learn 4 ways that sponsoring a local high school sports team can help you market your company.

Creating A Brand Story For Your Company
August 8, 2018
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Creating A Brand Story For Your Company

Here’s a little story about what brand story telling is all about. The short and succinct version is in essence just as Jeff Charles put it in his Huffington Post blog: 4 Fantastic Examples of Brand Storytelling; Brand storytelling is the most effective way to connect with your audience. It involves the many types of stories you tell your audience. It’s what helps you appeal to the emotions of your customers and prospects. A brand story is given the breath of life not only through the narrative cleverly weaved together in house but just as impressively and certainly as significantly through:

Why Are Product Giveaways a Great Marketing Tool For Businesses?
August 7, 2018
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Why Are Product Giveaways a Great Marketing Tool For Businesses?

Is your business looking for a creative way to increase sales? If you want to promote outside of the box, hosting a product giveaway is a great way to reach more leads.

There any many benefits to run a contest giveaway, and it can yield great results for your business. Let's take a look at business giveaways and how they boost your marketing!

Top 3 Gift Bag Ideas for Your Next Promotional Event
July 25, 2018
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Top 3 Gift Bag Ideas for Your Next Promotional Event

If you’re looking for gift bag ideas to promote your business, then you’re in the right place. Here are a few suggestions to help fuel you with inspiration!

As many as eight out of ten consumers own between one and ten promotional products! So, it goes without saying that we all love a freebie.

5 High-End Executive Gift Ideas for Your Brand
June 26, 2018
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5 High-End Executive Gift Ideas for Your Brand

Did you know 53% of people use promotional products at least once a week? It’s time to capitalize on these statistics with your own executive gift ideas.

Giving effective gifts to your VIP clients will not only help their perception of your business but it will also be a tangible reminder of your service. Get started building those special relations today with these 5 high-end executive gift ideas.

3 Reasons Why You Should Use Eco-Friendly Products for Your Brand
June 13, 2018
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3 Reasons Why You Should Use Eco-Friendly Products for Your Brand

In a Nielsen Study, researchers found that around the world, 55 percent of consumers are willing to pay a bit more for a product that came from a company dedicated to making a positive impact on the environment. This is a 10 percent rise over a three-year period, meaning demand for green products and services is increasing steadily. These purchases come from a rising middle class across the globe as well as the eco-friendly efforts of the world’s youth. If your business hasn’t yet considered switching to eco-friendly products, then now is the time. Don’t be the last one to make a change.

Keep reading to learn more about how going green can have a positive impact on your sales and standing in the community.