
Start 2023 Right with Our Top 10 Promotional Fitness Products!
December 14, 2022
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Start 2023 Right with Our Top 10 Promotional Fitness Products!

There's nothing quite like the resolve of turning over a new leaf at the beginning of a new year. Below are our top ten picks for branded wellness and leisure products to get your marketing campaign and customers off to a healthy start!

Our Hand-Picked Top 20 Custom Corporate Gifts 2022
November 3, 2022
26 view(s)

Our Hand-Picked Top 20 Custom Corporate Gifts 2022

Choosing the right gift matters, so to make it more streamlined this year we have selected our personal top twenty. Read on to discover our carefully curated list, then contact us with your choice before they are sold out!

The True North Value of Made in Canada
April 18, 2022
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The True North Value of Made in Canada

When it comes to finding anything these days, most of us tend to start looking online first, instead of as the last resort − especially when it comes to promotional event items! So in today's worldwide accessible market, why should you choose made in Canada? Read on and let's take a look at why deciding to shop nationally can be more beneficial than you think!

Does Buying Local Matter When it Comes to Trade Shows?
January 7, 2020
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Does Buying Local Matter When it Comes to Trade Shows?

Ever attend a trade show or run a promotional stall at one? The general theme is busy, crowded and hey look at us! everywhere you turn. Tradeshow materials are designed to grab attention, so we decorate our space with anything to improve chances of being seen and drawing people in – but does where we source those materials matter? Read more to find out!

How to Unlock a Shopping Cart Without Coins
November 7, 2019
463 view(s)

How to Unlock a Shopping Cart Without Coins

You rush to the grocery store reciting the list in your head, you hurry through crowd to the shopping cart area and realize... you don’t have any coins. Who even carries coins in 2019?! Sound familiar? Well we have good news – Canadian shopping cart coin keychains are a growing solution to this common problem, and you can learn all about them right here!

The True Value of Corporate Gift Giving
October 4, 2019
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The True Value of Corporate Gift Giving

Corporate gift giving can be a real struggle. There’s so much choice – how do you know what to choose? Why say ‘thank you’ at all? Is it even worth it? You aren’t sure, but after hours of browsing you're blinded by suggestions and no further than when you started! Before you tear up your wrapping paper in a rage – read on, and let us help!

Challenges of Building a Good Website
September 25, 2019
12 view(s)

Challenges of Building a Good Website

What makes a website ‘good’? These last few months at Dynamic Gift Canada we have been working on updating our website and we want to share some of the things we have learned, as well as the troubles we have encountered along the way.

Why Should You Use Custom Lanyards for Your Business
August 13, 2019
52 view(s)

Why Should You Use Custom Lanyards for Your Business

Custom lanyards not only help build brand identity but also improve networking abilities. To buy lanyards & other promotional products in Canada, visit us today!

How to Build a Successful Brand Identity for Your Business
June 28, 2019
135 view(s)

How to Build a Successful Brand Identity for Your Business

Every business leader has a marketing plan, but only a few know how to execute one successfully. If you’re an entrepreneur, branding your business is essential to establishing your position in the market. A recognizable brand is one of the valuable assets any company can own. According to a survey from HelpLama, around six in ten customers choose familiar brands when purchasing new products.

How to Promote Better Relationships with Your Customers
June 28, 2019
7 view(s)

How to Promote Better Relationships with Your Customers

Managing a business can be stressful if you lack knowledge regarding how to keep your customers happy and interested. Money cannot help you get one of the most important marketing strategies essential for promoting your business: the customer relationship. The focus is now shifting from customer service to customer relationships. Building a strong relationship with your existing clients and customers can pave the way for repeated business. There are many ways to focus on long-term customer relationships and doing so improves sales and revenue in your business. I have listed a few ways to keep your customers coming back to consume your products. These tips will not only help you maintain existing clients but also let you grow and thrive even in challenging situations.