
Why Are Product Giveaways a Great Marketing Tool For Businesses?
August 7, 2018
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Why Are Product Giveaways a Great Marketing Tool For Businesses?

Is your business looking for a creative way to increase sales? If you want to promote outside of the box, hosting a product giveaway is a great way to reach more leads.

There any many benefits to run a contest giveaway, and it can yield great results for your business. Let's take a look at business giveaways and how they boost your marketing!

4 Branded Marketing Strategies That Will Attract More Customers
March 21, 2018
52 view(s)

4 Branded Marketing Strategies That Will Attract More Customers

Modern businesses sometimes fall into the myth that the only marketing you need is digital. But the reality is that plenty of traditional forms of marketing are still alive, well, and essential to your company’s success. Learn about a few of the best branded marketing materials that your business needs to have at all times.

Top Tips To Avoid Promotional Product Scams
November 1, 2016
30 view(s)

Top Tips To Avoid Promotional Product Scams

Unfortunately there are people looking to scam you in practically every industry. Scammers are figuring out how to bypass security features just as quick as companies are inventing new security protection. So learning how to spot a scam is extremely important no matter what kind of business you work in. The only foolproof way of protecting yourself from most promotional product scams is to be aware of what is and isn’t a scam.

5 Books That Will Change Your Outlook On Business
October 26, 2016
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5 Books That Will Change Your Outlook On Business

Reading books is something that will never go out of style. Especially when it comes to learning about something like business, or self-improvement. Books allow you to easily see what you are reading inside of your head, which sometimes makes it easier to soak in information. So, you can never read enough books that may improve the way you do business. The times and the way people do things will always change, so there is always going to be something more or something different you can learn that may help your business. Even a small tip or trick that you pick up can sometimes mean a world of difference for your business.

Promotional Product Ideas & How to Use Them
August 18, 2016
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Promotional Product Ideas & How to Use Them

Every business has to use advertising to remain relevant and familiar to their potential customer base. Even globally recognized brands continuously run huge marketing campaigns even when they have made no changes to their products or updated any of their services. This is necessary because it is easy to be overshadowed by the competition or forgotten about by even loyal customers. Along with traditional print and media advertisements many businesses also use Promotional items as well. This type of advertising is used in nearly every industry and by companies of all sizes. Free items are loved by everyone and they are a guaranteed method of getting noticed and being remembered.

ID Lanyards, 5 Ways to Use Lanyards
December 26, 2015
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ID Lanyards, 5 Ways to Use Lanyards

The Many Ways To Use ID Lanyards

If you were to look at the history of the use of lanyards you will find that they were used by soldiers and sailors in many different ways. Today however, the lanyard is not restricted to military and maritime use! Business organizations have adopted this versatile product in different ways as an important component in their brand promotion strategy. Here are the different ways in which you can use lanyards – for professional and personal applications.

Organize The Office For Better Productivity
March 3, 2015
11 view(s)

Organize The Office For Better Productivity

Hopefully your desk isn’t this bad

Do you need a boost to your productivity? Organizing your desk could be perfect. Many experts agree that a cluttered desk reflects how your brain feels at the moment. So, here are six tips to re-organize your desk and become more focused in your life.

Increase Effectiveness of Promotional Products
May 9, 2014
20 view(s)

Increase Effectiveness of Promotional Products

Giving a potential client a promotional product can be an incredibly useful tool when growing a business, but effective branding has the ability to take you one step further ahead of the competition. There is a perception that it’s a costly exercise but it doesn’t have to be and can deliver unbeatable results. To ensure success, a creative and integrated approach is essential.

Improve Company Reputation With Promo Items
May 5, 2014
7 view(s)

Improve Company Reputation With Promo Items

Reputation can make or break a brand. A positive reputation has the ability to open doors and increase sales, so finding effective tools to help you achieve this is vital for business growth. Brands often use complex marketing campaigns to try to boost reputation, but promotional products have incredible scope in this space and can be very cost-effective so should not be overlooked.

5 Reasons Promotional Products Help Growth
May 2, 2014
9 view(s)

5 Reasons Promotional Products Help Growth

It is easy to focus all your attention on digital marketing and forget the importance of the physical space. Promotional products are undoubtedly one of the most effective marketing tools. If you only have enough budget to invest in digital or physical marketing, promotional products are likely to achieve a higher ROI.